Sundays at Charlotte Chapel.

Whether you want to join Charlotte Chapel or are just looking in, we look forward to welcoming you. Our Sunday gatherings are the heart of church life.

If you would like to find out more, speak to someone about joining, or ask a question, please get in touch with us by emailing

The Services

During our Sunday services, we sing in worship, pray together, remember Christ’s death for us through communion, and listen to God’s word through the reading and preaching of the Bible. Afterwards, we stick around for tea and coffee, and fellowship with one another. 

When: Sunday morning at 10:30 AM and Sunday evening at 7:00 PM. 

Where: 58 Shandwick Place, Edinburgh EH2 4RT.

New to Edinburgh?

We at Charlotte Chapel are a church family for all people of all ages! Whether you are exploring the Christian faith, looking to join a church or just want to find out more, we would love to connect with you. Please email our connect team at to find out more or to ask any questions.


Our church is a family, and we love to have children gather with us! We provide a staffed creche for toddlers during both services, and there is Sunday school for children ages 3–11. Secondary school aged children (ages 12–18) meet together for Rooted during the 7:00 PM Sunday evening service. 


There is wheelchair access to the building which includes a lift to access the main hall.

Have Questions?

Do you have further questions about joining us on Sunday, or is there something that we can do to help you while you’re here? Please get in touch with us by emailing


If you have a safeguarding concern, please email